♦ ◊ ◦My Iphone Vs HTC Touch Diamond II ◦ ◊ ♦  

Posted by silverystone in , ,

Finally have time to upload the pics.....

Here beloved i
phone which had "Rest in peace" on May ....when it's screen hit on the bricks directly when it drop on floor when we passby Tampines....

The "fatal" drop cause 无情的cracks on the iphone LCD, but still can power on lor, had think of send for repair but shocked to find out replacement of a iphone 2G LCD is so expensive ..cost around US$200....

sob...sob...it had been with me since Oct'07.....a very useful & elegant handphone that accompany me during gym(listening to music & songs), free surfing using wifi, reading of document, watching movies etc....despite of some of its 缺点eg, its "poor" reception.....

Now my new baby is the HTC Touch Diamond II...

this round I get a leather casing to "protect it"..this is the nice PDair leather case I found for it....

its look when closed with the elegant leather case....

it comes with accessories as well so can put on belt....

This entry was posted on Friday, June 05, 2009 at 15:20 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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