☂ Koung’s Wan Tan Mee(龚氏云吞面) ☂  

Posted by iTorque in

Would like to share with all one yummy wanton mee just eaten weeks ago recently …,

It’s at Geylang Lorang 13,  just look like a normal wanton mee sell at neighbourhood coffeeshop but everytime when we go buy sure have to wait at least half an hour or more ….

wanton mee & soup

But it tastes good due to its freshness and surprising quite full after eating (enough to 填饱肚子 for a 馋嘴猫like me hee ) ….hmm think is due is quantity of mee given, quite alot … as it costs $3.50 per plate (actually abit more expensive than normal wanton mee)

wanton mee 

we have tried both its 云吞& 水饺, both taste good as its ingredient (meat) is very fresh…..

wanton mee comes with 3 pcs of wanton(云吞)…

wanton soup 

As for the $3 shrimp dumpling soup comes with 6 pcs of shrimp dumpling…

dumpling soup

at the coffee shop there are other famous stalls like “宏記砂煲肉骨茶" so on, but seems like most coming to this coffee shop for the Koung’s Wanton mee….

picture of stall auntie busy making 云吞 for its wanton mee…

Koung wantonme_1

stall signboard showing its wanton mee & 水饺 etc  pictures…

Koung wantonM_2

The stall price list….

Koung wantonM_3


Koung’s Wan Tan Mee (龚氏云吞面)

205, Sims Avenue (Lor 21A)

Singapore 387506

Tel: 67480305

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