* Han’s Bah Kut Teh *  

Posted by iTorque in

Today we go eat one of our favourite: Ter Kar (Pig's Trotter) from Han’s Bah Kut Teh (Stall 42) at East Coast Lagoon Food Village again…:p

hans' bah kut teh stall

As usual we order the lean meat version although it also got sell the original version (“fat” Ter Kar )

 lean Ter Ker with rice

One set of lean Ter Kar with rice cost $6

lean Ter Kar

The meat alot & quite tender, the sauce is quite nice & we like to mixed the rice with sauce to eat….

although this stall famous for Bah Kut Teh but we only order the lean meat Ter Kar from it & usually go eat during lunch as usually business is damn good & by 3pm or 4pm the stall will close as the Ter Kar will be sold out by then…

Also enjoy the cheng tng from the dessert stall just beside it (stall 41)…abit expensive at $2 but taste good….there are other stalls also worth trying here at East Coast Lagoon Food Village, such as Duck rice or duck porriage from 作記鴨飯鴨粥, satay bee hoon from 明记沙爹米粉 so on…


Posted by iTorque in

Found a stall at Blk 51 Old Airport Road Hawker centre, #01-121 called 金華 that sells very nice sliced fish bee hoon & fish head bee hoon

stall signboard

This stall always has quene & has been introduced on Ch U 全国民众票选推荐

stall overall look
we order 魚片米粉 ($4) for me , 魚片汤& rice ($4 + 30 cents for rice) for him.

sliced fish bee hoon

sliced fish soup

We feel what’s nice about it is the soup which is not so saltish & has a very nice fragrance taste, the white fish slices also quite fresh without the 腥味…

◊ Hua Ji Hong Kong roasted duck king ◊  

Posted by iTorque in

At a Kopitiam foodcourt located at Ubi Techpark, there is a stall called “Hua Ji Hong Kong roasted duck king”, which is famous for its duck rice but we like its 叉烧,烧肉饭 than the duck rice.


Both the 叉烧,烧肉 are fantasic, specially the 烧肉, the fried 皮 on top really crispy & 香. Amount given & price also quite reasonable at a price of $3. As graving for it today so we go 打包 back home to eat …..


烧肉still great today but 叉烧 abit hard & 差 as it’s different from usual (dun have the honey coating as before)….hope the stall owner revert the 叉烧 back to original ….

Always has quene when go buy ….can see the stall uncle body swing left & right as he chop the meat very fast, so no need wait too long….

some of the price list

The stall auntie also good as she can remember well & take order fast ….stall small menu

Overall, it’s a Yummy, value for money food with efficient stall owner & assistant….

Btw, It’s closed on Sun & only sell for lunch.

港剧: 【溏心风暴】(Heart of Greed)  

Posted by iTorque in

land of greed 

自从ch8 播出『溏心风暴』,每集都会追看。 最后,我们就在前个周末熬通宵一次过把剩下的二十集追完,把整部戏(四十集)看完。。。.虽然这是蛮久以前的港剧(1997年TVB电视剧)但我觉得还是很好看。。。不晓得是我太"感情丰富“或"emotional"有几集我觉得蛮感人的,看了都忍不住落泪…李司棋饰演的大妈(大契)很厉害能把家里每个人的性格看得那麽透彻。。。一个人都未必能了解自己…难道是所谓的“旁观者清”。。。在癌症负发,快要死时看得更清楚。。。夏雨饰演的大鲍(唐仁佳)临死之前需要骗小妈(细契)秀琴,才能和他的家人与孙女见最后一面,看了让人心寒,痛心。。。剧中,小妈秀琴(关菊英饰)凌波(阮兆祥饰)这倆人为了钱常“惹事生非”把家里闹得“家犬不宁”,坏得让人咬牙切齿。。。不能接受Alfred(林峰)对常在心(钟嘉欣)的”不忠”还有她好友“水擘擘”(蒙嘉慧饰)对爱情的观念。“水擘擘”每次选的恋爱对象不是别人的男友, 就是别人的老公,明知道Alfred常在心的男友,还和他一起背叛常在心,对一直把她当成最好的朋友的常在心,很残酷。。。后来, Alfred遇车祸死了。常在心与陈豪饰演的得得地(小鲍)是两个有趣与可爱的角色。。。

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* Sony VAIO *  

Posted by silverystone in ,

Quite disappointed with sony VAIO laptop, after using for nearly 3 yrs it going to “died” soon. Problem started when battery totally dead, been powering up via main power cord for quite awhile, followed by touch pad totally not working,  then recently it has problem booting up through Windows…….no doubt that VAIO laptop has better specs, better quality keyboard, LCD than my previous Dell laptop… but seems like it’s not lasting…..price very expensive too…

Not only me, other two persons that had bought VAIO laptop slightly later than me also encountered problem….one is can’t shutdown properly while another, motherboard dead……

Sony battery damn expensive, motherboard repair also not cheap…..thought the extended warranty bought from Harvey Norman would help, but the hotline turn out to be super “unprofessional & damn lousy service” .

An broken english voice in the hotline said need to re-install back to original software own & try whether working or not . They even declare need to pay them if laptop found to be no problem or due to softwares installed on it, has to hand-carry to a shop at Sim Lim Square as they had outsourced the repair to the shop……

Problem is I’ve re-install my laptop few months ago as it keep hanging, at first still alright but problem occur again once software required are added, somemore not only first time re-install it, very time consuming & frustrating…..

After this incident, think I won’t buy VAIO laptop anymore…no more confidence in VAIO liao……….

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