* Han’s Bah Kut Teh *  

Posted by iTorque in

Today we go eat one of our favourite: Ter Kar (Pig's Trotter) from Han’s Bah Kut Teh (Stall 42) at East Coast Lagoon Food Village again…:p

hans' bah kut teh stall

As usual we order the lean meat version although it also got sell the original version (“fat” Ter Kar )

 lean Ter Ker with rice

One set of lean Ter Kar with rice cost $6

lean Ter Kar

The meat alot & quite tender, the sauce is quite nice & we like to mixed the rice with sauce to eat….

although this stall famous for Bah Kut Teh but we only order the lean meat Ter Kar from it & usually go eat during lunch as usually business is damn good & by 3pm or 4pm the stall will close as the Ter Kar will be sold out by then…

Also enjoy the cheng tng from the dessert stall just beside it (stall 41)…abit expensive at $2 but taste good….there are other stalls also worth trying here at East Coast Lagoon Food Village, such as Duck rice or duck porriage from 作記鴨飯鴨粥, satay bee hoon from 明记沙爹米粉 so on…

This entry was posted on Monday, September 21, 2009 at 23:37 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Of all the places I've been, this stall is consider to sell the best pig trotters I've tasted. Die Die must try!

October 7, 2009 at 1:35 PM

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