Our Taiwan Trip from 11 Oct til 19 Oct’09 (Part 4)  

Posted by iTorque in , ,

Here our Taiwan itinerary for 18 Oct …

Our Itinerary:

18-Oct [Sun]

0800 - check out from 會館 at 南庄 
0830 – have egg salad & coffee (NT$39) as breakfast at 7-eleven, coffee taste not bad alike like our MAcafe’s coffee, after finished drive to 南投

(actually want try 道地的 breakfast but those stalls 8.30am not open yet,  we need to proceed on our journey as need time to drive up to Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) through 山路)

1130 – on the way, passby the famous
埔里酒廠 at 南投.


It’s a 酒文化館」that introduces history of all type of 酒  …


Taking the lift up, leads us to a “exhibition hall” that displays


anything about 酒…its history, making of different types of 酒 (such as 糯米酒、米酒、太白酒、清酒,『女兒紅』酒, so on….)



& anythings related to 酒… (such as “ingredients” or 壺 used to 酿 or store the 酒)

埔里酒廠_5 埔里酒廠_6

埔里酒廠_7 埔里酒廠_8

After walking through the 埔里紹與酒挖甕隧道 at 2nd floor,


there is 整車的酒甕 besides it, we go pull to experience, pretending we are the old times 酒 workers, quite fun....


After that, we take lift back to 1st floor, it sells many foods that are made with 紹興酒 there , eg 紹興冰棒、水果酒、紹興巧克力軟糖、香腸、蛋捲, 紹與酒蛋 etc

We have try some of the 紹興酒 products as below,

(a) 酒庫冰棒(花生favour), (b)酒香紹興香腸,


(c ) 紹與酒蛋

All taste not bad, especially the egg (紹與酒蛋) is yummy, the yoke is very 香醇 with the 紹興酒 taste, 讓人回味 …

1230 – Proceed to Wen Wu Temple at Sun Moon Lake (日月潭文武庙)

Wen Wu Temple

It’s very 華麗, nice carving

Wen Wu Temple_1

& the architecture of the temple has the palace style of northern China……

Wen Wu Temple_2

Saw this “golden boat” inside the temple…

inside Wen Wu Temple  

going to the top of the temple, able to view the whole scenery of the beautiful Sun Moon Lake (日月潭)

(However, it’s quite misty & cloudy that day, photo taken would be nicer if the sky is clear…. )

view sun moon lake fr wenwu temple 


1330 – Drive to 德化社碼頭, buy four 日月潭 boat ride tickets for each of us

1330 – take pictures nearby at 德化社碼頭 while waiting for boat to board….

德化社碼頭 _1

1400 – been “sabotage” by the boat ticket seller, keep changing boat til the 4th one then finally start our boat ride of 40mins. Heard from Cody last year when he came, the boat ride duration was longer at 1.5hrs, think the boat ticket seller want to earn more so they keep accumulate more people before starting the boat ride & they drive faster to loop around the whole lake.

it’s quite frustrating as many unnecessary times been wasted here, morever we have booked the high-tea which start at 3pm at The Lalu Hotel (涵碧樓) so quite rush…日月潭 boat (遊艇)

During the boat ride, there is a guy talking, introducing about the lake, surrounding, history & the people staying around, suppose to be able to capture many nice pictures of the Sun Moon Lake on the boat, but too bad the sky still misty so the pictures turn out abit blur & dull colour …. 

Can see many "水上度假屋" on the Lake…

on boat ride_5

Close up of one of the "水上度假屋"…

on boat ride_1

saw this two friendly foreigners riding boat on the lake & enjoying themselves….

on boat ride_2

view of some of the hotels at Sun Moon Lake (日月潭), one of it is the 豪華的涵碧樓 (the brown building at the centre), heard that one nite cost around US$1000 for its president suite!

on boat ride_3

view of 日月潭缆车 station from boat…. on boat ride_4

view of famous 日月潭玄光寺 on the boat, wah, very crowded with people …

on boat ride_6

somewhere near the 德化社碼頭….

德化社碼頭 _3

1440 – Once boat ride is over, drive to rush to The Lalu Hotel (涵碧樓), hungry & excited as we are looking foward to the “sumptuous” high tea & its classy grand Hotel

----------------To be continued on next blog---------------------

Our Taiwan Trip from 11 Oct til 19 Oct’09 (Part 3)  

Posted by iTorque

Here our Taiwan itinerary for 17 Oct …

Our Itinerary:

17-Oct [Sat]

0800 – Breakfast at You Chun Regency (友春大飯店)

0900 – Check out from hotel with Bass & yang come fetch us

1100 – Approaching 北角吊橋, stop by 小吃 stalls nearby to try 炸杏鮑菇 (my fav),炸野薑花,七里香 (kena con by Bass & Cody to buy, it’s actually fried 雞屁股, no wonder Bass keep 偷笑 when we eat)

Below is picture of the white 野薑花, around the field while we crossing the 北角吊橋


1130 – Taking some photos while we crossing 北角吊橋



1140 – Cody say has some more things to see & shops further down but too bad it has been blocked due to 虎頭蜂, there is a warning notice upon reaching the other side of the bridge

 北角吊橋_3 北角吊橋_2


1200 – reach Lavender Cottage (

entrance fee NT$100 per person, the entrance ticket in sweet pastel purple colour

lavender cottage tix 

Place quite big & beautiful :p  

Lavender Cottage_1

Lavender Cottage_7

Lavender Cottage_2

1215 – The restaurant at Lavender Cottage is very nice & classy but food not cheap, one roasted chicken cost NT$390 is quite small & need to quene for at least 45 mins.

Lavender Cottage_3

Lavender Cottage_4

1230 – We buy some drinks & snack from a counter outside the restaurant & sit on benches near the field  to eat, the entrance ticket can used to offset some of the fees used when buying food from them.

Lavender Cottage_5

We go in 香草鋪子 (a souvenir shop that sells perfumes, soap, lotion etc ) to take look, selling many cute stuffs

Lavender Cottage_8

Lavender Cottage_9

An ice-cream store near the wishing tree 

Lavender Cottage_6 

1350 – having lunch at 老街看戲, it’s a eating place which 播放老電影 while serving 客家傳統風味餐



We have order

1) 豬油飯

2) 客家小炒

3) 山雞

4) 貴竹筍

5) 四個混蛋

1430 – After lunch we walk around 老街, passby this "非吃不可"的粉圓豆花shop


we order one bowl each to share

1) 綜合粉圓冰(NT$45)

2) 粉圓豆花 (NT$45)

Both not bad but we feel 綜合粉圓冰 nicer, too big bowl for two of us, we can’t finish all…

1430 – Driving take awhile before reach Nan Zhuang (南庄), check in at 中華電信會館 & put our luggage first .

1700 – Walk around Nan Zhuang (南庄), passby 桂花巷

see one  香草鋪子 branch at 桂花巷


got shops selling 花茶湯圓

1730 – walk back 會館 to have a short rest.

1930 – Walk to streets, wah all shops have closed, maybe people at 鄉下 tends to sleep early , have dinner at 南庄媳婦的老店


香酥溪蝦, 炒山豬肉 ~ the prawn is small fried prawn more for eaing with beer, abit salty, pork so so

He & Cody order 客家板條 (dry one) each ~ taste alright but eat more abit salty

Me order 客家板條 (soup one) ~ abit 淡 compare with the dry one

Bass order 婆婆手工鹹湯圓 ~ got meat inside the 湯圓, taste not bad but definitely not enough as dinner

Total bill NT$530

2000 – After dinner, we go buy drink & snacks at 7-eleven before walk back to 會館 to rest as most shops have closed nonething to shop around …

Below is our VIP room, quite spacious, thanks Cody for helping us to book :p

our room at nan zhuang_1

our room at nan zhuang_4

our room at nan zhuang_3

our room at nan zhuang_2


----------------To be continued on next blog---------------------