Our Taiwan Trip from 11 Oct til 19 Oct’09 (Part 1)  

Posted by iTorque in , ,

This is my third time to Taiwan! Previous is during March’07 via tour package while my very first time to Taiwan is during end Jan til early Feb of 2004. This time went there for photo shoot, as have to be on weekday, first few days have to be on our own as Bass & Cody can only join us during weekend til following Mon to go further.

Initially we had plan to go Alishan (阿里山) together but as road there been blocked & scenery ruined due to the Aug typhoon have no choice but to change plan to Moon Sun Lake (日月潭) & Sitou(溪頭) .

However, just one week before our trip, there is news on an unpredicted typhoon may hit Taiwan & heavy rain there everyday, so plan changed slightly again, end up go Lavender Cottage (新竹薰衣草森林) & Moon Sun Lake (日月潭) instead.

But we are quite lucky as only encounter a very short drizzling rain when we shop at Shida nite maket (師大夜市) on sun when reached, the rest are all sunny days which indeed quite warm during noon time. Just that I can’t 放肆地大吃大喝 as I just recovered from high fever just few days before the trip, been coughing at nite with phelgm stuck in throat, so some of the days I sleep til quite late then go travel around….Overall still a very enjoyable trip especially the last three days are very fun!

Our Itinerary:

11-Oct [Sun]
1150 - check in Changi International Terminal 1
1350 - Flight to Taipei 3K521
1830 - Arrival at Tao Yuan Airport Terminal 1 (Bass & Cody came fetch us)
1900 - check in at You Chun Regency 友春大飯店 & place our luggage there first before head to dinner
1930 -  Initially Cody want bring us have 羊肉麵 he & Bass feel yummy for dinner but change plan as my throat is still bad. After discussion we decided to go Shida nite maket instead.

2000 – Foods at Shida nite maket (師大夜市) are yummy, clothes design also nicer, it’s besides National Taiwan Normal University,NTNU (台湾师范大学) so price more reasonable as cater for students



Shared this small plate of 鱔魚意麵 (NT$90), Bass said eat more will feel 膩, we feel it tastes abit like eel


san jiu ma

Price as stated in its namecard below,


look abit like our popiah but size much bigger with more ingredients & taste quite nice, skin also not too thick & don’t taste 粉粉

Bass buy 鮪魚 one for us to try, picture taken abit blur as we busy eating…hee,

ingredients inside the 潤餅捲 have 鮪魚, 豆干, 花生粉, 高麗菜, 紅蘿菠絲, 豆芽菜


This stall is just beside 三舅媽潤餅捲

need take quene number to order as many people buying

5 pcs at NT30

we shop abit at a clothes shop just opposite while waiting, not bad taste quite yummy 


There are many 滷味 stalls around, Bass recommend us try this 燈龍加熱滷味 which as they try before feel taste great

use thongs to select from a variety of “卤味”then pass back to the stall to cook & rinsed with warm 滷汁…

taste abit salty but really yummy, the 泡麵 Bass “大力推薦”& specially added in also taste great! haha lucky have her around as we see til bur dunno which “卤味”to select   


As this 滷味 stall don’t provide seat, to eat upstair you have to buy drink from another 奶茶 stall at minimum value of NT$30, end up I buy 芋香奶茶 at NT$40 while the rest buy other 奶茶, we feel the 奶茶 sell there taste quite nice

After 填飽肚子, we shopped around, managed to get new jackets for each other:p

My new jacket at NT$980 after discount

my flowery shirt at NT$99 & his new jacket NT$680 after discount


Our new blouses (just simple design & average looking) but quite cheap at NT$150 & NT$100

2150 – Bass buy some 北東釋迦 from fruit stall for us to bring back hotel to try eat, have to peel & eat the white portion inside, taste quite sweet.

2200 – take 捷運 to Gongguan Night Market (公館夜市), it’s just one stop away from Shida nite maket (師大夜市). Just manage to shop abit as most shops start closing.

2300 – take 捷運 back to 友春大飯店, Bass & Cody also make way back home as they need to work next day


12-Oct [Mon]
0800 – Having Breakfast provided at 友春大飯店, limited choice & just okable, not really nice….

1100 - lunch at Formosa Chang (鬍鬚張) just opposite our hotel


(a)魯肉飯(NT$30 )...when it comes then realise 魯肉飯  is just rice with some pork sauce on top of it, no wonder Bass said taste nonething special & Cody told me it's expensive, haha really quite expensive for a small bowl of rice with just sauce to cost around S$1.35....chey! thought it’s will be nice as seen it on web….

(b)薏仁綠豆湯(NT$35 元)



Food taste just okable, portion quite small & expensive, desert 薏仁綠豆湯 at least better as drink liao quite 清涼

1200 – walk around areas nearby found Romantic life (浪漫一生) among the whole stretch of bridal shops along the Min Quan W. Rd.(民權西路), building look quite old , just beside a very classy 朱莉亞(Julia Wedding news) , both form a very funny 強烈的對比.....

we feel abit disappointed…as it’s old picture look much nicer. Romantic Life should consider a repaint for its building as its getting dirty 經過”風吹雨打”

But can’t go in yet as 1pm then open… looking up, building has around 4 or more floors then in a glimpse we saw an couple having their wedding shoots near its transparent window, we walk back hotel to rest first   

1400 – go Romantic life (浪漫一生) to select the style & photo shooting locations. Select & 試穿 my gowns & his suits...try again after gowns been altered to fit….after finish wah already 6.30pm…

1830 - take 捷運 to Ximending (西門町) for dinner

eat the 阿宗面线, have to stand to eat as they don’t provide seat

quite yummy total we order three bowls, but portion very little

saw this 八方雲集 we just go in to try eat , also don’t know nice mah

have order

a)红烧牛肉面 ~ NT$100


b)招牌鍋貼 (NT$5 x 4)

c)招牌水餃(NT$5 x 4)

All the foods taste not bad but price quite expensive, the 红烧牛肉面 is yummy but feel they put too much pepper in the soup so I can’t drink alot like what I usual do when eating 麵湯:(

2030 – Walk around Ximending (西門町) & saw this famous 鴨肉扁 which been mentioned on web but we didn’t try as don’t look attractive to us….


2330 – Take 捷運 back to our hotel to rest as need reach Romantic life at 8am next day for makeup & photo shoot.

----------------To be continued on next blog---------------------

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