Our Taiwan Trip from 11 Oct til 19 Oct’09 (Part 2)  

Posted by iTorque in , ,

Here are rest of our Taiwan itinerary from 13 Oct til 16 Oct’09…

Our Itinerary:

13-Oct [Tues]
0730 – Breakfast at You Chun Regency (友春大飯店)
0800 – Reach Romantic Life for makeup & dressing for photo shoot 
1047 – Outdoor photo shoot 
1830 – back to Romantic Life for indoor shoot
2130 – Walk back to 友春大飯店 to remove the “super” thick makeup, hair wash & bath                  2230 – Have dinner at MacDonald nearby our hotel as all other eateries nearby have closed

14-Oct [Wed]
0800 – Breakfast at You Chun Regency (友春大飯店)
1130 – Walk around areas nearby hotel, saw many 流动 stalls beside a 巷口 selling many foods, order 麻酱面 (酱taste abit like peanut, only mee, no meat or any ingredients one), 炸醬面, 水餃十粒 from a 流动面档 to try, food quite alright, price also quite cheap
1330 – Reach Romantic Life for photo choosing
1830 – We missed the yummy food at Shida Night Market (師大夜市), take 捷運 to Taipower Building Station to get there, eat 三舅媽潤餅捲, 許記生煎包,燈龍加熱滷味 again & shop around but didn’t manage to get any clothes this round, get thristy go buy green milk tea from 7-eleven to drink.

2100 – take 捷運 to Taipei Train Station Underground Mall and Zhongsan Underground Mall to shop, as read from web lots of cheap stuff, especially for clothes and shoes. But quality not that good, thought can get some shoes there, saw many shoes as cheap as NT$100 but dun like the design & didn’t see anything I like. Maybe different taste, I feel its quite a boring place to shop.

2200 – take 捷運 back to hotel to rest. Go buy bread from The bread (布列德手功麵包) opposite for next morning breakfast.


15-Oct [Thu]
0900 – Eat bread bought from The bread (布列德手功麵包) ,quite 好吃 as recommended by Bass 
1030 – Take 捷運 to Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station (忠孝新生捷运站) to pass stuffs to his friend 

1130 – His friend bring us lunch, ask we want 牛肉麵 or Formosa Chang (鬍鬚張), we choose 牛肉麵. Have 牛肉麵 with side dishes , 豆乾 & 海帶 at a normal 不起眼的 small stall which no aircon, but surprising it’s very yummy, even more 好吃than the one we have at Ximending (西門町), we both eat very fast & finish the whole bowl of soup as well, feel that 道地的牛肉麵 seems much nicer than those commercialised one but have to know which store is good. (too bad didn’t note down the shop name & price as his friend treating, also no photos taken).

1230 – Take 捷運 to 新北投,  passby the attractions there:北投圖書館,


北投溫泉博物館, also plan go 地熱谷 but it's has been blocked. Passby the 滿來溫泉拉麵 I wanna try but already 1.30pm & it’s closing at 2pm, since it’s open again at 5pm so we go Spa to relax first while waiting.

1350 – Reach Asia Pacific Resort (北投亞太溫泉生活館 ), we choose the Outdoor Private Hot Spring Room to relax for two hours at NT$1000 per hour. Free robe, towels, shower cap, slippers, and mineral water are provided.

1410 - Firstly, we are lead to a dressing room to change into robe & keep our belonging into locker, after that a guy will bring us walk through few stone staircase to get to the Outdoor Private Hot Spring Room, not too bad as on the top floor of the hotspring room, there is one personal bathroom with the shower.

Can go this link to view more of it…..http://www.apresort.com.tw/en/html/hot%20spring.htm

1630 – get changed & left Asia Pacific Resort, slowly walk towards the 滿來溫泉拉麵

1700 – Reach 滿來溫泉拉麵, quite a small & cramp eating house

滿來溫泉拉麵 menu

We order one coke & one sprite (drink still in old traditional glass bottle type) with the following,

(a) 溫泉蛋 (NT$25) ~ melt in the mouth, quite cold just wonder how they boil it then make it so cold


(b)味增什錦拉麵 (NT$180) ~ many ingredients inside:花枝、魚片、肉片、蛤蠣、青菜、魚板 & 蝦, quite fresh & soup is sweet but feel it’s just average, the pork (肉片) abit hard


(c ) 英雄叉燒拉麵 (NT$190) ~ the 叉燒 too hard, soup taste so so, not really nice, this ramen not as tasty as those Japanese ramen.


Personally feel the food not as fantastic as mentioned on some blogs found on web, although it does packed with people, maybe different people different taste, quite disappointed as I specially make a trip for it.

Before leaving take a picture of the eating house, look nicer in the nite with those street lights

1900 – Take 捷運 to shilin nite market (士林夜市), go quene up to buy

豪大大鸡排(NT$50) ~ very big piece, crispy & yummy, quite worth at the price! :p


大餅包小餅 (can choose 3 different favour at NT$100) ~ many people quene up to buy so we join in to buy, but the biscuit wrapped inside too dried & personally feel not really nice


Then walk around as quite full after eating the ramen from 滿來溫泉拉麵, also feel the food stalls inside the night market quite warm & stuffy.

We quickly walk to the other direction that sells clothes, excited as have recalled saw many nice dresses sold there when we came during March’07, due to time quite packed by tour package not enough time to shop & only managed buy 3 dresses….

However, get disappointed as seems like there are some changes to 士林夜市 after these two years, somehow it has been “contructed” abit like our pasar malam. There is one big shop selling clothes & shoes at really cheap price but design not really nice as the clothes cutting is poor. However, I still managed to get a long sleeves stripes shirt & purple polo short sleeves shirt,  buying as standby for our coming trip on 17 & 18 Oct as I didn’t bring any long sleeves along, Cody have told us depends on weather, maybe cold as going up mountain to 日月潭.

2130 – Take 捷運 back & buy garlic bread from The bread (布列德手功麵包) nearby our hotel

16-Oct [Fri]  

1030–  I sleep til very late then wake up, Breakfast at You Chun Regency (友春大飯店) end at 10am so eat the bread bought yesterday nite
1130 – buy two 招牌便當 at  鬍鬚張 nearby our hotel for lunch, nicer than that day we ordered dishes to eat there directly (NT$79 per pack)

1230 – Take 捷運 to Longshan Temple (龍山寺)

feel the surrounding abit like our Chinatown where many old folks gather around there, but the temple quite crowded with locals or tour groups coming to make a pray. Other than that nonething much to shop.

1330 – Take 捷運 to Food St (美食街) near Zhongxiao Dunhua Station (中孝敦化捷运站)

Feel nonething much here, can't find the two Jay Chou's Shop (a)Omni & (b)Phantaci, Walk pass Breeze 微风广场, end up leg tired, sit down & have french fries & drinks at MacDonald

1530 – Take 捷運 to Houshanpi Station 后山埤捷运站 & slowly walk to Wu Fen Pu Wholesale Centre (五分埔) as it opens at 4pm

1600 – shop around, all very cheap as it’s selling wholescale (批發) but all the clothes cannot try & most of the shop owners attitude quite nasty as they rather sells bulk to shops then us just buying one or two.

Not too bad, as we both grab a few nice blouses, I buy most of my blouses from an shop selling Korean clothes as design there nicer & although more expensive but price still consider cheap. Morever, shop assistants there attitude quite alright & willing to give me new piece for the clothes I buy.

1800 – leg tired sit down a stall to eat beancurd, dessert sell there not really nice, beancurd not smooth enough.

2000 – We want to shop longer so decided not to go Rao He Nite market (饒河夜市) went before during previous trips, we sit down to have beef noodle from a stall, not very nice but not much nice food there.

2030 – walk back to shop at 五分埔 but it’s getting crowded & difficult to walk as quite cramp. Didn’t managed to find nice clothes this time think coz too many people walking & blocking, hard to see the clothes clearly.

2200 – leg damn tired & decided to take 捷運 back to hotel

2230 – when reach 民權西路 station, while walking back, the 刷刷鍋 restaurant that look yummy everytime when we passby already closed . Aiya missed the 刷刷鍋 wanna try. 9am next morning need check-out from hotel to join Bass & Cody to head to Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) le  

2300 – last minutes packing of our luggages & very late then go sleep

----------------To be continued on next blog---------------------

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