『Avatar *In 3D*』 vs 『风云2。The Storm Rider II』  

Posted by iTorque in

Long time didn’t update my blog…..damn busy with wedding preparation……we are still “和时间赛跑”…as still many stuffs need to do …but yesterday is Christmas so we decided to take a break & watch 『Avatar *In 3D*』 we been “aiming”……

This movie is super hot, by Christmas eve morning, most of the movie slot already been fully taken, so we quickly book online when the 1250am slot still available, just that have to catch it further at Marina Square……


3D spectacle provided for the movie is quite big & we look kind of funny in it…keke

This movie is quite lengthy at a duration of 3 hours but it’s a really cool that will keep you glue to the seat….The movie plot is kind of simple….but somehow the storyline is simple but touching & really very enjoyable watching it…its 3D effect & graphics are simply Terrific!  Definitely worth paying for its 3D effect at a more expensive price of $13….

While another movie :『风云2。The Storm Rider II』 is quite a great disappointment…..

feng yun 2

after watching, can sense it’s filming style holds a very strong remembrance to another famous english movie: 『300』. Maybe the movie director try to ”创新”to make it different but some how its new filming style is not suitable for it…

In 『风云2』,  Cloud (cast by Aaron kwok) & Wind (cast by Ekin Cheng) just stand & pose, with most of their fighting scene “featured” with their weapons “turn & move” using “300 kind of special effect”, but it make it look so “fake” such that they both look more like “木头”rather than “英勇”of a Hero….

In the beginning, when Nameless (cast by Kenny Ho) & Lord Godless (cast by Simon Yam) still around, the movie is still watchable but once Nameless & lord Godless died, we start to feel bored & hope the movie will end soon …… especially the fighting scene between Cloud & Wind near the movie end is simply “残不忍睹” ….really regret of sacrificing our sleep to catch this movie during midnight, wasting our time & money…..feel strongly that if its filming style same as『风云1』, it would be much better, really missed 『风云1』which is a very nice & cool movie with Cloud (cast by Aaron kwok) so stylo in it….

This entry was posted on Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 04:39 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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