Iron Man 2  

Posted by iTorque in ,

When our long waiting 『Iron Man 2』movie launch,  we are very excited & quickly go catch it…..after watching its part 1 last year, we are very amazed by its cool visual effect & how high tech is Tony Shark (casted by Robert Downey JR ) house, his working robots & the iron man robot armor suit he is wearing…..we been looking forward for this part 2


so yesterday, fri, we quickly browse through the movie website, planning to book a ticket for tomorrow which happen to be labour day & also his birthday…… initially plan to catch it on at big cinema: GV Max at Vivocity as bigger screen &more shiok ……but all are either fully taken or seats left is very front row all the way to midnite! so we decided to catch it at Downtown East which is nearer…. but this movie is super hot….Cathay tickets also selling like hot cake & left either only 1st two rows or only have slots at smaller cinema…& the cathay movie website are damn slow….due to heavy traffic..


but lucky we manage to grab a central couple seat at bigger cinema at DownEast. As the movie time is 2.10am which mean its already next day & its on Labour day when we catch it.

And when I checked through my old blog later, I realised last year we also catch Iron man at Downtown East on midnite, so also happen to fall on next day which is also Labour day! …so 巧 one!


This round, has two attractive female actress, Gwyneth Paltrow as usual as Pepper Potts & also Scarlett Johansson as an secret agent, Natalie Rushman / Natasha Romanoff……


In this part 2, Tony Shark  has new enemies, the bad government officials, Senator Stern (casted by Garry Shandling) & Justin Hammer (casted by Sam Rockwell) which try to force him to share his technology with the military

And also another enemy, a Russian brilliant physicist, Ivan Vanko (casted by Mickey Rourke) which want to seek revenge on him which he believed that Tony Shark’s dad, Howard Stark has 陷害 his dad which was one of the top physicist …. 

Ivan Vanko has created the wielding energy whips (as shown below) is very powerful


and at this time, Tony Shark  realise that the magnetic chest plate (glowing Arc Reactor shown on his chest in picture below) which he had invent to keep himself alive also poisoning himself ……..& his toxicity level is getting higher each day & may died soon…..


worst thing is going to happen when Justin Hammer rescue Ivan Vanko from jail as to get him to join as allies against Tony Shark 


but lucky he has his best friend, Lt. Col. James Rhodes (casted by Don Cheadle, but in Part 1 is casted by another actor, Terrence Howard) to partner him to fight his enemy….


and also Nick fury (casted by Sam Jackson), Agent of S.H.E.L.D


which help Tony Shark to “figure” out how how to contruct a better technology to keep himself alive using stuffs Howard Stark has left for his son to continue…..

he is also the one that send the secret agent, Natalie Rushman to help Tony Shark 


Overal, although feel that its not as fantastic as Part1 but still a great show worth to watch!

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