✿Happy lunch at Waraku✿  

Posted by iTorque in , , ,

Today go meet dear friend Serene for lunch at Suntec. We been wanna meetup to have this lunch promotion together at Waraku she been “大力推荐”as she had tried before feel not bad. As we both busy with own wedding preparation (hers on 3 Jan 2010 while mine on 23 Jan 2010)……. so we delayed til now then have the lunch together today :p……

We walk to the one at Marina branch, both order the $9.80++ lunch special which come with a free drink (choice: coke, sprite, green tea or ice lemon tea), quite a good deal but only valid for weekday (Mon to Fri)

Promo list

We both choose Katsu + Soba (I take sprite while she has Coke)

Soba actually not a lot, just little mee & not much ingredients…

but Katsu is more, quantity quite alright…

after eating both of us very full….

Total bill: S$23.07 so cost each of us around S$11.50

Oops we both too busy eating & chatting forget to take photos together…hee

After that Serene hurry back to her office while I walk walk abit before making way back….

btw it’s really great to meetup with dear fren again :p

This entry was posted on Friday, February 05, 2010 at 18:31 and is filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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