Manga : 20th century boys III  

Posted by iTorque in , , , ,

Yesterday, quickly rush to Tampines catch 『20th Century Boys Chapter 3』at 9:15pm as afraid it may stop filming soon …been busy with wedding preparation then short trip to Msia…….

20 century boys III

We’ve been faithful follower for this movie since its part 1 showing at year 2008…just “desperately” want clear our doubt on who is “Friend”…hee

As what we expected, it’s turn out to be that “Fukubei” that appear during the school gathering at part 1… when we thought we are very clever & smart, then story unveiled more….

We both feel the ending is very good, at least it explained exactly what happen & why with everything from Part 1 to 3 (final) get linked up….A great & fantastic movie!

After watching, I feel abit sorry for this fake “Fukubei” (the real Fukubei actually had already died when still a kid at middle school) , he is actually a very clever brilliant kid called Katsumata. But he is simply too shy & quiet that always wear a mask. No one believe him when been wrongly accused or beaten up by mistake. He is just a lonely kid which has no friends, so he don’t even bother to clarify when been wrongly mistaken as “Fukubei” as no one really notice his existence.

Even Kenji also don’t know who “this fake Fukubei” really is when he apologise to him during his death. After that, Kenji slowly think & recall then realise it’s his “年少无知”mistake that indirectly cause Katsumata to become a “devil” when grow up.

It’s a mistake by Kenji when kid to cause Katsumata to be wrongly accused, causing 怨恨 in him, accumulate till “very big” that he come out with this horrible “孩子气”plan to destroy mankind, as he feel no one in the world like him. He must be a very smart, talented  guy which can invent the deadly virus himself, this part III has explained that he is very good in Science when in school as kid.

Btw I also feel Katsumata quite good looking when kid, don’t know why he always hide under mask to cover his face….so may be if Kenji & gang make friends with him when kid & 开导 him, maybe he will think more positive & the tragedy of innocent people sacrificed by the deadly virus can be prevented……

So Morale of the story, be kind don’t be too meant to others due to their outlook or watever,

& for those which is too shy & quiet, try to open up & speak out :)

This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 03, 2010 at 23:15 and is filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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