Law Abiding Citizen  

Posted by iTorque in , , ,

Had watch 『Law abiding Citizen 』 & feel this movie not bad.


The main actor of this movie, Gerald Butler, is the muscular big size guy that cast as King Leonidas in the famous movie in 2006 called『300』


He really acts well in this movie to show the extreme a man can do when been force till the end & desperate….

Clyde Shelton, is a poor unlucky guy whose wife & daughter been brutally murdered during a home invasion by two robbers ( one is super evil & 最该万死) . But the stupid & selfish prosecutor (cast by Jamie Foxx), Nice Rice, which is assigned to the case, offers that most evil suspect a light sentence (just a few years in jail) with the accomplice taking all the blame to face death sentence

Really feel sad for Clyde when his helpless & hopeless eye looking at Nick, which simply ignore his request to testify against the super evil robber. Sometimes the so-called Law is really no justice. 

After many years, Clyde re-appear & 绝望 has converted him to a super calm & but cruel guy which plan a series of spectacularly diabolical assassinations to avenge his lost loves (wife & daughter) .And then Clyde’s expression has become so calm, confident & smart.(like a totally different person as what he is before)

Really feel good & “大快人心” When Clyde make the judge make a fool of herself using his law knowledge & when the super evil robber kena killed, (but the way he killed the evil robber is abit cruel & that scene I cover my face as don’t dare to see clearly)

But after the evil robber is killed, his still carry out a series of assassinations which cause death of innocent people….he is like falling into a 无法自拔 stage which he has to keep killing people to keep himself living as there is nonething left in the world he can long for as his loves ones already dead, finally he get 解脱 when kena killed when bomb explode during the movie end…..

Another movie which how a person doing can indirectly cause another person to do horrible thing which leads to tragedy…..  

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