
Posted by iTorque in , ,

Just watch 『Daybreakers』 over weekend…….this movie not too bad….. just that it also have many “bloody” & “ugly creature” scenes as related to vampires :(


Imagine in a future when a pandemic disease has turned most of the world population to vampires. Everyone you see on the streets are Vampires…..they are professionals working, they has car equipped with daylight protection………. while human are hiding, living in fear that they will be hunted down for their blood….

A pharmaceutical company run by Charles Bromley, (cast by Sam Neill) which make money by supply blood via human captured by them … the Human species is getting lesser, need for blood becomes desperate ….vampires, if deprived from blood for a period will be degenerated into subsiders (an ugly bat-like creature) …..

hematologists,  Edward Dalton (cast by Ethan Hawke) & Chris Caruso (cast by Vince Colosimo) are using those human harvested in laboratory to do research for blood substitute under pressure from Charles ………


Edward Dalton is a kind-hearted hematologist, which refuse to drink human blood & he has a strained relationship with his brother, Frankie which is a human-hunting soldier…..Edward has been unrelunctently forced to become a vampires when his brother Frankie betrayed & bites him to turn him into one….

One nite, Edward help a group of human led by Audrey (cast by Claudia Karvan) to hide & escape from vampire patrols. After that Audrey bring Edward to meet Elvis (cast by Willem Dafoe), a man cured of vampirism by brief exposure to sunlight…in hope that Edward can duplicate this effect & cured the whole world…… Edward is successful & cured himself ….

Edward go look for Chris, hoping him can help spread the cure…


but Chris has finally discovered a viable blood-substitute & he betrayed Edward by calling in a vampire patrol…..end up Audrey is captured while Elvis and Edward escape into hiding…..they are found by Frankie…..Elvis is attacked by Frankie which has almost become subsiders (as human blood is running low, many vampires in the society have turn into subsiders)….but end up they discover that feeding on a former vampire is another cure for vampirism as Frankie turn human after he bites Elvis…..Edward go look for Charles Bromley, want him to release Audrey but Charles is evil, he don’t want the cure to become widespread as he want earn money by selling the viable blood-substitute …..

haha shall not disclose the ending for those which are interested to watch…..

⊹Yummy chocolate from Holland⊹  

Posted by iTorque in ,

Want introduce some yummy chocolate buy from Holland ….

Albert Heijn Zaans Huisje Cookie dark

Zaans Huisje_box

it’s a Holland biscuit coated with rich dark chocolate on top,

can see bits of frosted ice on chocolate bar as taken out from fridge

also has nice picture on the chocolate coating as well

Had also try another favour ~ milk chocolate before, also very yummy as well (those who don’t like dark chocolate more bitter taste would prefer the milk chocolate more) but too bad all finished eaten & so no photos taken but can go to its website to view--->click here to see




inside white stuff think is fresh milk, taste simply terrific!

must keep refrigerated else will melt ...






⊱ Milka al Gusto di Crema ⊰

milka al gusto di crema


All these Holland chocolate very fresh & yummy, 吃了一个会想吃多一个!

✪Ninja Assassin 2009✪  

Posted by iTorque in , ,

Just watch this 『Ninja Assassin』 casted by the famous Korean single eyelid actor cum singer: Rain….a very bloody movie…….


hmmm feel its abit like those PS3 or Xbox game: Ninja Gaiden where ninja uses a sword keep slashing enemies & red blood gushing all over the places…..


Rain has the height & very fit body build but he is really not handsome lor…..


story about a Ozunu clan that adopt orphans & train them since childhood into group of cold-blooded & ruthless ninja assassin…… one of them, Raizo (cast by Rain) manage to run away from them …..He keep training himself to get ready for the long-awaited bloody reunion with his former master to seek revenge for heartless murder of a kind girl which always been helping & encourage him since childhood in the clan……more for a guy movie that enjoy violent movies or the Ninja Gaiden game…..I don’t really enjoy much as most of the time I watch through my 手指缝中as can’t help but keep cover eyes with hand as really can’t stand those many horrible bloody scenes with head chopped off, blood spilling around …:(

✤Ambush✤ again!  

Posted by iTorque in ,

Today, me & sister go having lunch at this Ambush at Takashimaya branch again

391B Orchard Road,
#B2-04-2-1 Ngee Ann City Tower B,
Singapore 238874

We had went recently during Feb CNY shopping …(haha no more pictures of the cafe this round as already posted alot on my previous blog)

This round we decided to try their spaghetti & both order the tea :Pearl of Orient ($3.50)

since last try of three different tea, this one seems to taste better for us

browse through their menu,

I decided to have Japanese Baby Scallop with Nori (Fish Roe Cream sauce)

while sister she has Crispy chicken with Nori Aglio Olio

which both are ★chef recommend dish which cost $11 each

both are simply yummy & thumb up ∩__∩y for the great taste & sauce ! (Taka is the only branch that don’t charge customer any GST & service charge as customer need to go cashier to take order & pay first) & crazy me hor finish the whole place of the sauce hee

Btw heard that there is another another branch at Jurong Point Shopping Centre 2nd flr which outlook quite nice but selling more stuffs such as steak also very yummy too…

✣ Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief ✣  

Posted by iTorque in ,

Just watch Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Percy Jackson & the Olympians- The Lightning Thief

Movie quite alright…..feel its abit like Harry Porter series just that each series is standalone by own (while for Harry Porter, has to watch all its seven series to have full connection of the whole story)

Story about a Teenage, Percy Jackson (cast by Logan Lerman) , quite 帅 young actor


which is a descendent of the Greek God, Poseidon (cast by Kevin McKidd), god of the sea and earthquakes.


Percy Jackson been accused of stealing Lord of the sky, Zeus' lightning bolt & Leader of the Underworld, Hades ( cast by Steve Coogan) is after him…. He is then brought to Camp Half-Blood by his best friend, Grover (a Satyrs, which half human half horse) & his mum, Sally (a pure human) while escaping from demons attacks…..In the camp, he met alot of young semigods & he is trained by Chiron (cast by Pierce Brosnan) which disguise as his teacher, Mr. Brunner in his high school


……he make friend with Annabeth (daughter of Athena)…

Athena (cast by Melina Kanakaredes)


Percy later sneaked out of camp with his best fren, Grover (cast by Brandon T. Jackson) & Annabeth (cast by Alexandra Daddario)


plan to go Underworld to rescue his mum, Sally which been held hostage by Hades after been captured. Percy is given ten days to to return the thunderbolt to Mount Olympus in order to stop a war between the gods from starting. Luke (cast by Jake Abel), son of Hermes, another friend known in camp, giving them some tips of how to get to Underworld & how to find three special pearls which each of them required to use to return back to mortal world

Adventures begins when they travelling to three different locations to obtain the three special pearls …the most exciting one is at first location when they met Medusa (cast by Uma Thurman) for the first pearl…..

Whoever look into Medusa eye (even a peep) which cause one to turn into stone

Medusa in Percy Jackson & the Olympians-The Lightning Thief

However, three of them are able to go through all the hardships & obstacles to obtain all three pearls & travel to Underworld……

But while they trying to rush to Mount Olympus, Luke appear to stop them….& he is actually the real stealer of the lightning Bolts which want make use of Percy to pass it to Hades ….

This Uma Thurman very suitable for special role like Mia Wallace in Pulp Friction 1994 & Medusa, she can very pretty & sweet in plain then 妖艳美 in those bad or evil cast…



Posted by iTorque in ,


Biskut song Mu


Biskut pack



结果,买回來的好几袋“老松木”,都不敢吃了 。。。

也买了很多袋的“马碲酥” ,也很好吃,

ma di su


ma di su pack


太可怕了!以后不敢再买「三叔公」的食品了!「三叔公」难道没对食品做Quality Check? 要是小孩吃到铁丝怎麽办?很危险!


Grab some stuffs during the March IT Show 2010..

first stop – rush to grab this lightweight, “more reasonable” price, 13.3 inch Asus UL30V


Sort of disappointed with our VAIO notebook whose performance downgraded greatly after 3 years of use…(but initial its performance really quite outstanding one) so now feel that no point buy notebook which is so expensive liao…

My new laptop with my old desktop… yeah!asus_open

Spec as below:

asus spec

has its RAM upgraded to 4GB for faster speed….:)

Same as the VAIO notebook, need to create own backup disc, wah damn slow so it takes two hours to create with 4 DVD disc required ( VAIO backup disc creation also quite time consuming but only requires 2 DVD disc)

After that, excited to test out its eight cell battery as ASUS website stated “All-day Computing with 12-hours* Battery Life “

Switch to discrete (high power) graphic to play my Favourite WOW (World of Warcraft), graphic is quite smooth & nice, battery life is almost 3 hours for use….haven’t test out battery life in Battery Conservation mode yet….

Same as our old VAIO SZ series, its come with switchable Graphics for Stunning Visuals or Battery Conservation. (difference is that VAIO SZ series need restart PC  after slide button to switch between the two mode while ASUS UL30V just need to press button to switch)

One of its bonus gifts: Norman Security Suite is just a activation green card as shown below

bonus gift_1

We feel its most “worthwhile” free gift is the “super light weight” ASUS External SuperMulti Drive which can serves as DVD player & recorder (but hor somehow feel it’s abit fragile when push back the tray after taking out DVD disc been burnt)bonus gift_2

The free ASUS Notebook carry bag is of Targus brand of simple design ( frankly speaking, its design quite ugly, our last time free VAIO notebook bag design is very much nicer ) but still can 随便用when go for work lor

free targus bag

so buy this simple DICOTA notebook Backpack at discount price of $39 (usual price $68)

Dicota bag_1

choose it as feel its quite light-weight.

It has five compartments,

front one for putting small stuffs like pens, mobile phone etc

two zips infront for putting small stuffs…

Dicota bag_front

behind one to slot in the 13.3 inches notebook

Dicota bag_top1

there is also a zip on its cap…which can put little stuffs as well

Dicota bag_cap

Buy this ESET smart security 4 which comes with anti-virus & firewall software for one user license at $48 (usual price $60) to install on my new ASUS notebook:)ESEt Smart security

M1 seems to have more attractive deal than Singtel, so go sign up its M1 BBOM plan which cost $11.21 for two years plan with unlimited data usage as current BBOM going to expire soon…….(cheaper than existing Singtel BBOM plan which cost $14.66 for 30G data usage)


Asus with M1 bbom

but somehow feel M1 performance seems like abit poorer, however as has not really fully using it so not very sure about it yet…..

锦衣卫 (14 Blades)  

Posted by iTorque in ,

刚看了这部长达两的小时多的『锦衣卫』。。。 14 Blades_small

锦衣卫是明朝的秘密特工的组织,效忠皇帝。。。锦衣卫头号高手,最高头领是青龙(甄子丹饰演),第二号人物是实力略逊的白虎,然后有朱雀, 玄武。。。但有一次,锦衣卫被坏太监:贾精忠(罗家英饰演),用假谕旨所骗,奉命到忠臣太傅:赵审言(刘松仁饰演)的太傅府上盗取一个锦盒,才发现其实锦盒里是传国玉玺。。。青龙在夺玺的时候,太傅跟他说了一番话,让他意识到自己被贾精忠利用来偷传国玉玺与陷害。。。。但玉玺忽然被锦衣卫的下属抢去,原来玄武(戚玉武饰演)为了成为 锦衣卫之首, 投靠了卖国贼:贾精忠,出卖青龙,也把白虎,朱雀给杀害了。。。青龙为了避开追杀,搭上正义镖局的车队出城,后来还让正义镖局总镖的独女,乔花(赵薇饰演)芳心暗许 。。。 

甄子丹的武打场面再一次没让人失望,但剧情就编得比较弱, 比如沒交代为何大明朝的传国玉玺会在太傅, 赵审言家中秘藏。。。也没对剧中多位重要人物做介绍。。。看了会有点一头雾水。。。。

由超酷的吴尊饰演的天鹰棒的头领, 劫匪:大漠判官,比周杰伦在《蘇起兒(True Legend》里饰演的武神酷帅多了,武打场面也比较自然,好看。。。。

由于徐子珊饰演的脱脱(西域女子,庆亲王的干女儿),在片中武功第一,常有个无聊脱衣功的场面。。。如果说是为美艳妖异的徐子珊而设的,但又无法让她像Angelina Jolie般成为戏里的亮点。。。既然她武功高强,连青龙都打不过她,最后只能与她同归于尽。。。其实庆亲王(洪金宝饰演)大可直接派她去太傅府获取传国玉玺。。。很会打的洪金宝这次也没有半个武打场面。。。让人觉得这只是另一部特别做来让甄子丹亮出他的武打场面的商业片。。。不是特别好看的一部戏。。。不过,它还是达到了有空可以看来消谴时间的娱乐片。。。哈哈,我门突然很庆辛没花钱买票去戏院看。。。

◇ ◊ My sister’s keeper ◊ ◇  

Posted by iTorque in , , , ,

Lucky an friend have My Sister’s keeper DVD & she lend it to me, else I would had missed this great & touching movie just released at cinema last year

my sister's keeper

Many people may not like this type of movie & feel sure there is lot of talking & many sad scenes…I also don’t really like sad movies………..

but even since I had watch a nice movie ☞: 『In Her shoes』 cast by Cameron Diaz in 2005

In Her SHoes_poster 

which is based on a novel, I kind of interested in this movie when know it’s also based on an novel & cast by Cameron Diaz again….

Similar to 『In Her shoes』,this movie’s also about sisterhood but of different story….& Cameron Diaz role for this is a mum then a sister.

It about Sara Fitzgerald (by Cameron Diaz) having an daughter, Kate (by Sofia Vassilieva) which suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia when around four ( just wild guess based on Kate & Ann age gap). To keep Kate alive, she has another younger daughter Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) conceived by means of in vitro fertilization to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate. Whenever, Kate required blood cells or bone marrow due to illness, all will be obtained from Baby, Ann. However, when Kate turns 15, she goes into renal failure & require an Kidney donation else she will died. As usual, only Ann’s kidney matches Kate (not everyone can donate kidney to save her as hard to find a match kidney). But if Ann does donate a kidney, she will no longer be able to take part in extracurricular activities such as cheerleading and soccer, or be a mother.

And this round, Ann, 11, engages an lawyer to sue her parents for medical emancipation and the rights to her own body.

This movies uses many flashing back, to past & then to present….detail the family relationship… Kate feeling…….very close sisterhood between Kate & Ann…….I feel Sara is over protective over Kate & she just spend her whole life trying all means to keep her daughter alive, but has neglected feeling of her other two kids (Ann & her son, Jesse).

its during the Court hearing….then truth reveals that’s it actually Kate asking favour of Ann to stop donate kidney to her ……. Kate been living in pain…… feel bad when her mum just paying all her attention on her & neglected the rest…sorry for her mum that give up her own dreams & try all ways & costs to keep her alive……. feel heart broken when her beloved boy friend (also having  leukemia) died & left her few year back………while Ann in tear asking Kate where to find her when she died if she don’t donate kidney to her & Kate reply is “Montona“…………….there are few touching scenes which cause tears rolling in my eyes & this “reveal” causes tears dripping down my cheek uncontrollable & wet the papers on desk……Ann, on the other hand is very坚强not to reveal a single word of the truth while her family blaming her for not donating kidney to save her sister life… till her brother Jessie leak it out during the court hearing…..finally Ann wins the court case & Kate died as her wish…the night when Kate died,  she has private talk with her mum, Sara, telling her mum its time she has to go & Sara has to learn to let go……. life still goes on for the family & indeed all are getting better……they visit Montona every year on Kate's birthday which was her "most favourite place in the world…

Acting skills of two child actresses, Abigail Breslin (as Ann)&  Sofia Vassilieva (as Kate) are simply great,they really 把角色演活了. Especially like the way movie bring out the story & one scene about view of Ann’s in term of a young 11 years old kid that when Kate died, things are still the same, no road or streets name after Kate or any judges changes rule due to her death…. telling people life still has to go on, overall a very nice & meaningful movie !

Ming Kee Cantonese Roast duck  

Posted by iTorque in

Just went to  Ming Kee Cantonese Roast duck 明記廣州燒臘 stall which been on TV programme 排排站查查看

Ming Kee cantonmese roast duck

I’m not sure of its exact address but it’s located around Bedok area inside a coffee shop named as Link Court Pte Ltd, 01-498 as shown below

coffee shop name

its roast duck & roast pork rice come with a soup which cost about S$4.20

Compared to Hua Ji Hong Kong roasted duck king華記香港燒鴨皇, it’s roast duck definitely more tasty & yummy, but its roasted pork although crispy but still not as fantastic.

The soup for the two sets also varies too much in quantity as one having much more pork ribs than another ordered same time….

I didn’t finish the soup as don’t really like its strong taste (guess maybe due to the big garlic) & also the pork for some bowl is tender while some is hard…..

Maybe the stall should improves on the soup since it comes with the rice & cost slightly higher, if can choose, I would rather just order the rice without soup since its soup not nice… 

Overall, we still love the yummy 超好吃 roasted pork (烧肉) from Hua Ji Hong Kong roasted duck king (華記香港燒鴨皇) & think so far its the best we’ve eaten.

But if to choose the roasted duck (烧鸭)we will choose from this stall…