Dinner @ Lau Pau Sat  

Posted by iTorque in ,

Feb really a happy “feasting” period where there are many yummy CNY celebration dinners & Lou Hei with different group, also manage to meet up with dear Serene for dinner at Lau Pau Sat on one Feb Fri evening for dinner

Me & Serene meet first to order dishes, while June join us later……

There are many stalls selling same kind of food & I’m really blur which stall should I pick to order. Me not so familar as seldom eat at Lau Pau Sat….but lucky has Serene around which use her “basic instinct” to choose where to sit & which stall to order the food…

many yummy local hawker delights such as


BBQ La la

Mee Goreng

BBQ Chicken wings

Satay (chicken, beef, mutton)


托Serene 的福(☆_☆) , all dishes turn to be very delicious! (especially my fav BBQ lala & satay)

we are both food lover & June is very surprised to see so many dishes when she reached…

As June has heavy lunch so end up me & Serene eat more…

As its tourist attraction, food price definitely more expensive compare to hawker centre…

No photos with the gals again as they all don’t wanna to take photos so too bad

After that we go have a drink at Coffee club at Clarke Quay to chat….

Me & Serene can’t resist the temption of its yummy mud pie so despite already very bloated we still order one slice to share,  we admit we are 搀嘴…hee

Serene order the Mango Ice Frappes, not bad

but this transparent passion fruits soda (which me & June both order the same ) not really nice, abit too plain like no taste (sorry can’t recall its drink name )

Oops its time for me to start going exercise as I’m getting fat after eating so much yummy food..~~~^_^~~~

This entry was posted on Monday, March 01, 2010 at 17:59 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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