
Posted by iTorque in , ,

Just watch 『Daybreakers』 over weekend…….this movie not too bad….. just that it also have many “bloody” & “ugly creature” scenes as related to vampires :(


Imagine in a future when a pandemic disease has turned most of the world population to vampires. Everyone you see on the streets are Vampires…..they are professionals working, they has car equipped with daylight protection………. while human are hiding, living in fear that they will be hunted down for their blood….

A pharmaceutical company run by Charles Bromley, (cast by Sam Neill) which make money by supply blood via human captured by them … the Human species is getting lesser, need for blood becomes desperate ….vampires, if deprived from blood for a period will be degenerated into subsiders (an ugly bat-like creature) …..

hematologists,  Edward Dalton (cast by Ethan Hawke) & Chris Caruso (cast by Vince Colosimo) are using those human harvested in laboratory to do research for blood substitute under pressure from Charles ………


Edward Dalton is a kind-hearted hematologist, which refuse to drink human blood & he has a strained relationship with his brother, Frankie which is a human-hunting soldier…..Edward has been unrelunctently forced to become a vampires when his brother Frankie betrayed & bites him to turn him into one….

One nite, Edward help a group of human led by Audrey (cast by Claudia Karvan) to hide & escape from vampire patrols. After that Audrey bring Edward to meet Elvis (cast by Willem Dafoe), a man cured of vampirism by brief exposure to sunlight…in hope that Edward can duplicate this effect & cured the whole world…… Edward is successful & cured himself ….

Edward go look for Chris, hoping him can help spread the cure…


but Chris has finally discovered a viable blood-substitute & he betrayed Edward by calling in a vampire patrol…..end up Audrey is captured while Elvis and Edward escape into hiding…..they are found by Frankie…..Elvis is attacked by Frankie which has almost become subsiders (as human blood is running low, many vampires in the society have turn into subsiders)….but end up they discover that feeding on a former vampire is another cure for vampirism as Frankie turn human after he bites Elvis…..Edward go look for Charles Bromley, want him to release Audrey but Charles is evil, he don’t want the cure to become widespread as he want earn money by selling the viable blood-substitute …..

haha shall not disclose the ending for those which are interested to watch…..

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