◇ ◊ My sister’s keeper ◊ ◇  

Posted by iTorque in , , , ,

Lucky an friend have My Sister’s keeper DVD & she lend it to me, else I would had missed this great & touching movie just released at cinema last year

my sister's keeper

Many people may not like this type of movie & feel sure there is lot of talking & many sad scenes…I also don’t really like sad movies………..

but even since I had watch a nice movie ☞: 『In Her shoes』 cast by Cameron Diaz in 2005

In Her SHoes_poster 

which is based on a novel, I kind of interested in this movie when know it’s also based on an novel & cast by Cameron Diaz again….

Similar to 『In Her shoes』,this movie’s also about sisterhood but of different story….& Cameron Diaz role for this is a mum then a sister.

It about Sara Fitzgerald (by Cameron Diaz) having an daughter, Kate (by Sofia Vassilieva) which suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia when around four ( just wild guess based on Kate & Ann age gap). To keep Kate alive, she has another younger daughter Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) conceived by means of in vitro fertilization to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate. Whenever, Kate required blood cells or bone marrow due to illness, all will be obtained from Baby, Ann. However, when Kate turns 15, she goes into renal failure & require an Kidney donation else she will died. As usual, only Ann’s kidney matches Kate (not everyone can donate kidney to save her as hard to find a match kidney). But if Ann does donate a kidney, she will no longer be able to take part in extracurricular activities such as cheerleading and soccer, or be a mother.

And this round, Ann, 11, engages an lawyer to sue her parents for medical emancipation and the rights to her own body.

This movies uses many flashing back, to past & then to present….detail the family relationship… Kate feeling…….very close sisterhood between Kate & Ann…….I feel Sara is over protective over Kate & she just spend her whole life trying all means to keep her daughter alive, but has neglected feeling of her other two kids (Ann & her son, Jesse).

its during the Court hearing….then truth reveals that’s it actually Kate asking favour of Ann to stop donate kidney to her ……. Kate been living in pain…… feel bad when her mum just paying all her attention on her & neglected the rest…sorry for her mum that give up her own dreams & try all ways & costs to keep her alive……. feel heart broken when her beloved boy friend (also having  leukemia) died & left her few year back………while Ann in tear asking Kate where to find her when she died if she don’t donate kidney to her & Kate reply is “Montona“…………….there are few touching scenes which cause tears rolling in my eyes & this “reveal” causes tears dripping down my cheek uncontrollable & wet the papers on desk……Ann, on the other hand is very坚强not to reveal a single word of the truth while her family blaming her for not donating kidney to save her sister life… till her brother Jessie leak it out during the court hearing…..finally Ann wins the court case & Kate died as her wish…the night when Kate died,  she has private talk with her mum, Sara, telling her mum its time she has to go & Sara has to learn to let go……. life still goes on for the family & indeed all are getting better……they visit Montona every year on Kate's birthday which was her "most favourite place in the world…

Acting skills of two child actresses, Abigail Breslin (as Ann)&  Sofia Vassilieva (as Kate) are simply great,they really 把角色演活了. Especially like the way movie bring out the story & one scene about view of Ann’s in term of a young 11 years old kid that when Kate died, things are still the same, no road or streets name after Kate or any judges changes rule due to her death…. telling people life still has to go on, overall a very nice & meaningful movie !

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