✪Ninja Assassin 2009✪  

Posted by iTorque in , ,

Just watch this 『Ninja Assassin』 casted by the famous Korean single eyelid actor cum singer: Rain….a very bloody movie…….


hmmm feel its abit like those PS3 or Xbox game: Ninja Gaiden where ninja uses a sword keep slashing enemies & red blood gushing all over the places…..


Rain has the height & very fit body build but he is really not handsome lor…..


story about a Ozunu clan that adopt orphans & train them since childhood into group of cold-blooded & ruthless ninja assassin…… one of them, Raizo (cast by Rain) manage to run away from them …..He keep training himself to get ready for the long-awaited bloody reunion with his former master to seek revenge for heartless murder of a kind girl which always been helping & encourage him since childhood in the clan……more for a guy movie that enjoy violent movies or the Ninja Gaiden game…..I don’t really enjoy much as most of the time I watch through my 手指缝中as can’t help but keep cover eyes with hand as really can’t stand those many horrible bloody scenes with head chopped off, blood spilling around …:(

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 13:35 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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