Hainanese Village Centre Market & Food Centre  

Posted by iTorque in

Went to Hainanese Village Centre Market & Food Centre (located at 105 Hougang Avenue 1 Singapore 530105) for lunch during one weekend…

Managed to try foods from three famous stalls there, all at 2nd floor…

One of it is the wanton mee from this 旺角熟食 stall,

wanton mee stall

This stall every time good business & not only its wanton mee, others like 水饺面,咖喱鸡面,凤爪面 also easily sold off by 1 or 2pm, so we order its wanton mee to try

actually the wanton mee taste abit 淡,just okable but price consider quite cheap at S$2.50 (give around three wanton) compare to other places…

Another value for money is this Soon Huat Cold & Hot Dessert stall as below which is just two stalls away it,

have try their cendol & 黑糯米 before, taste quite alright & feel the “料” given is more “generous”…

cost S$2 for both of them, price consider quite cheap for S$1 per dessert (although them may not be the cheapest…. )


Another “must try” is 水粿 from this stall (unit 02-45) shown above,

shui guo

the white 水粿 is smooth & its most important “ingredient”~ the cha po (菜脯) is really tasty & yummy, cost S$1.50 for six pieces , got different price for options of 4 pieces, 8 pieces also…

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 08:06 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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