Our Taiwan Trip from 11 Oct till 19 Oct’09 (Part 7)  

Posted by iTorque in ,

Here is a continuation of our Taiwan itinerary for 19 Oct…

Our Itinerary:

19-Oct [Mon]

1130 – After we left the temple, we proceed to Shueili Snake Kiln(水裡蛇窯) which is about pottery, too bad it’s not open on Mon. Bass & Cody went there before during weekend, normally is crowded with people, many activities going on, things to see  & nice foods such as 烤魚 to eat….

So just take some pictures around it….

shueili snake kiln_1

shueili snake kiln_2 

before we leave the place….

shueili snake kiln_3

1155 – pass by 清心福全冷飲店 near the roadside & Bass get down from car to buy drinks,

All tea drinks sold from this shop it’s purely brewed from tea leave, we try two different drinks,  清新菁茶 & 奶茶,

Wow, both tastes really nice, think nicer than any other normal milk tea we have drank before (according to Cody & Bass, most milk tea is brewed from tea powder but this shop is directly from tea leave), it’s very 清香 & 很好喝! , my throat feel very comfortable & soothing specially when drinking the 清新菁茶.

1200 – Next stop: Jiji Railway Station (集集火車站) , take some pictures around …



buy ice cream here to eat, cost NT$49 per cup (Bass say the ice cream just tastes so so, got nicer one at other places)


cute thing is that they return the NT$1 change in a 紀念卡 as below

jiji card

after that, we walk into the station, see got people waiting for their trainjiji_5

to get to other places….



----------------To be continued on next blog---------------------

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