My Girlfriend is an Agent 我的女友007☞  

Posted by iTorque in

Long time never watch movies as not much nice movies recently. Finally Korean Comedy 『My Girlfriend is an Agent 我的女友007』get released on Thursday & we go catch it yesterday nite…

Lead female actress Kim Ha-Neul (金荷娜) quite a popular face which appear in Korean dramas & movies, although story line nonething new but quite hilarious that we laugh all the way throughout the movie.

Soo-Ji (cast by Kim Ha-Neul ) is a smart, beautiful & 身手敏捷 secret police agent while her ex- boyfriend, Jae-Joon (cast by Kang Ji-Kwan,姜至奂) is a rookie agent which is very clumsy, dumb & he is trying very hard to impress.

I think the super dumb character by Jae-Joon is the main factor that make this movie so funny. Can’t believe he is a police secret agent as he has many lame & stupid actions. He always ruin the plan in an very “unprofessional” way while work with Korean police group to track down the Russian crime group which going to buy a advanced “chemical lotion” which will become a very powerful weapon eventually via a Korean professor that steals for them.

There is one scene which make me laugh the loudest, due to one of his super lame actions. It’s when him hide in a corner using his mobile secretly take photo of the Russian crime head. When you thought he finally do something impressive as a agent, sudden his mobile play a cute ringing tone something like “cheers!Take the pictures” to snap the picture, this definitely exposed himself to the crime head & the dumb him reveal a nerd shocked look….

Soo-Ji is funny too, she 身手了得, many guys also can’t beat her while fighting. She is calm during mission but easily get agitated by her ex. There is one scene where the male lead make her so angry that she use a wooden hammer provided by restaurant keep hitting the lobster served. She is fierce & not a lady which you can anyhow mess with. She always forget & realise restaurant utensils, such as spoon or wooden hammer still with her when she left the restaurant. When the Russian crime head search through her handbag when she been captured by them, can see spoon, wooden hammer etc in her handbag…..

When you keep wondering who’s the police force coach for Jae-Joon & how can such a dumb student everything “follow by the book” able to graduate as a secret agent, then you realised the coach also has the same style & pattern….

Overall, a movie that can definitely cheer you up although I admit the movie is quite lame.

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