Our Taiwan Trip from 11 Oct till 19 Oct’09 (Part 8)  

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This is the last blog for our Taiwan Oct’09 trip!:p ( continuation of itinerary for 19 Oct…)

Our Itinerary:

19-Oct [Mon]

1300 – After we left the railway station, drive awhile & reach the 紫雲宮 temple, many people come here to make a pray, heard even more crowded during weekend.

zhi yun gong_1

Wah something interesting……This temple got provided a “bank counter” for people to borrow “"幸運錢" to 求財, tourist can also borrow using own national ID & need to bring back the red packet when  return the money back to temple …we pass by, can see quite alot people either queue up to borrow or return the money at the counter.

Come to this big golden chicken somewhere around the temple…….zhi yun gong_golden chicken

Need to go toilet & this is the temple most famous “竹筍造型”public toilet ~ "金筍迎客"

heard it costs around NT$40 million to build this ”seven star” bamboo-shaped luxury public toilets


 visitor can enjoy the art of paintings while inside the toilet…

there is a fountain & music playing, air is filled with nice flora fragrance…….

it’s a big & grand toilet that has a very relaxing atmosphere …..

1330 – We drop by a 大排檔 near road side to have simple lunch

Order 火雞肉飯 for all to eat with dishes: 魯白菜, 筍干魯 , 味噌汤, 紫菜蛋花湯, 鮮筍湯  & two vegetables (which I don’t know their name)



simple dishes, taste not too bad, we finished all as super hungry….

1400 – proceed to area around TungHai University (東海大學) to try some famous 小吃…

1420 – go to 東海蓮心雞爪凍 to try 豆干 ,雞爪凍 & 毛豆 (sorry didn’t take any pictures of them, but can view all the food pictures from the shop website)

豆干 abit tasteless, 毛豆 quite spicy with black pepper, 雞爪凍 not bad, quite yummy (haha he see the chicken leg, don’t dare to try)

can see the fridge in the shop selling many other foods such as 牛肚, 雞肫 鴨翅 so on…

1430 – go to a  dessert shop that does not has any signboard just opposite 東海蓮心雞爪凍 to eat dessert…

at least the toilet at this dessert shop cleaner than the shop selling 雞爪凍

The dessert, 芋圓仙草凍, taste great….think 仙草 helps to bring out the taste of the yam slices (芋圓), heard from Bass & Cody this is one of the famous dessert of the shop, no wonder…

another dessert, 芋圓紅豆凍 not so nice, the yam slices (芋圓) now taste abit 淡 as the red bean unable to bring out its taste

after that then get to know the shop is called 東海豆子…

1500 – go to a big fruit store nearby to buy fruit juice to drink, quite cheap, NT$25 for a cup of 700cc water melon juice


fruits that the shop selling…

wah, see this water melon is quite big

after the drink, drive to leave this place as need to rush to buy Taiwan snacks

1530 – reach Glad embankment air delicious foods plaza (快樂堤岸~ 空中美食廣場)

quickly we walk to entrance to get in…

do our last minutes grab for Taiwan snacks to bring back home, need longer time to rush back the airport as further...

1630 – re-arrange our luggage abit before heading to Airport to check-in

1710 – check-in at Tao Yuan Airport - Terminal 1  to catch our 1910pm flight back to Singapore

2345 – home sweet home

After back in Singapore , sleep & sleep,  missed the yummy 小吃 & cooler weather there….

these are the snacks we have bought at 快樂堤岸~ 空中美食廣場

This 芋頭酥 by 阿聰師 is very expensive, so we just buy a small box (six pieces) to try, cost NT$360,  must eat within 3 days from purchase else need put in fridge to preserve longer …


specially like the 奶油酥餅 & 芋頭酥 by 阿聰師, both highly recommended by Cody & Bass respectively. other snacks such as 煎餅,太陽餅, 花生酥 average, think 太陽餅, 花生酥 we bought at 九份during previous trip taste nicer…

Overall a very nice trip with our dear friends, Bass & Cody again!

Yuppie, todate places I’ve went in Taiwan (yeah!):

Danshui 淡水(吃炸香菇,鐵蛋,炸虾饼),

Guang Hua Shang Chang 光華商場 (看我心爱的漫画),



Shida Night Market (師大夜市)

Gongguan Night Market (公館夜市)






勝與車站 (順祥隧道)

陽明山(enjoy nite view while drink coffee, too bad spa is full so didn’t manage to try)


高雄的六合夜市 (吃胡椒饼,烧烤鱿鱼)

春秋阁, 麒麟峰温泉( try all 3 different spa)

Asia Pacific Resort 北投亞太溫泉生活館 (enjoy Outdoor Private Hot Spring Room for spa)

逢甲夜市 (吃大肠包小肠,炸鸡排配玉蜀黍,还有甜美的木瓜牛奶,買包包)

苗栗果园(採草莓), 深坑豆腐街(just walk, don’t dare eat the 臭豆腐), 宜兰的香格里拉休闲农场,

九份 (吃 九份传统鱼丸, 買 芋头丸、芒果与荔枝果冻 素肉鬆(九份老店邏記),李儀餅店的太陽餅),

中正纪念堂, 故宫博物院,

Miramar Entertainment Park 美丽华百乐园 (walk abit at the big shopping mall as Ferris wheel not in operation when Bass & Yang drove us there on March’07)

台北101购物中心, SOGO, Breeze centre (微風廣場),北投圖書館, 北投溫泉博物館,

Longshan Temple (龍山寺),

Taipei Train Station Underground Mall & Zhongsan Underground Mall 

北角吊橋, 老街, Lavender Cottage (新竹薰衣草森林)

Sun Moon Lake (日月潭), 德化社碼頭 (依达邵),The Lalu Hotel (涵碧樓)

Butterfly Garden(蝴蝶園, 日月潭),Syuanguang Temple (日月潭玄光寺), shueili snake kiln (水裡蛇窯)

Jiji Railway Station (集集火車站),Wen Wu Temple, Sun Moon Lake (日月潭文武庙), 埔里酒廠

紫雲宮, 美食beside東海大學, 快樂堤岸空中美食廣場 …

This entry was posted on Friday, November 06, 2009 at 16:11 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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