Our Taiwan Trip from 11 Oct til 19 Oct’09 (Part 5)  

Posted by iTorque in ,

Here is a continuation of our Taiwan itinerary for 18 Oct…

Our Itinerary:

18-Oct [Sun]

1520 – finally reach the grand & elegant The Lalu Hotel (涵碧樓), we quickly take some quick shots outside the Lalu Memorial Hall (涵碧樓紀念館) when Cody drop us before heading to hotel carpark to park his car…

涵碧樓紀念館 sighboard 涵碧樓紀念館

1530 – When Cody is ready from carpark, we proceed to the hotel restaurant to have our high-tea (3pm – 5pm), NT$500 ++ per person, hungry hungry hippo!

(Dinner served here super expensive, its on dishes, cost NT$1680++ per person ) 

1540 - we choose to sit outside to view the nice Lake scenery while dinning despite of small drizzling rain

We happily grab raw 生魚片 (Tuna, salmon etc), prawn, fried mini crab, beef, chicken, 點心, cake, pastry, soups, fruits, drink so on….really having great time enjoying the “feast” & relaxing on the benches viewing the lake view while eating…..

we eat outside the Lalu hotel

Too bad rain turn heavy & all sitting outside need to shift back to sit inside….

benches for eating outside Lalu hotel 

Waited for quite awhile for restaurant staffs to setup more tables & chairs for people shifting back from outside benches…… :(  before we can continue our “feast”…

The food both of us love most is the restaurant’s 味噌汤 which is rich with diff fishes include salmon & 湯頭very 甜美, I drink alot :p. Raw salmon slices would be better if they cut it thinner, prawn so so. Bass loves their cake & bakery as she eat alot of those. Fruits, got kiwi, papaya, water melon, sweet melon ….

1640 – My happy stomach is full, although still many nice pastry haven’t try but too bloated to take in any more food….

1700 – walk through the staircase,

staircase at Lalu hotel

walking thru staircase

View from the hedge, this is the longest Warm Water Swimming Pool in Taiwan (台灣最長溫水游泳池) but too wide to capture whole of it ……

views at Lalu hotel

room guests swimming in the swimming pool…

swimmig pool at Lalu hotel

hotel rooms view from bottom, those “rich people” stay there can 很寫意地 view Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) from their hotel rooms balcony…. 

hotel rooms view from bottom

The lovely Lalu Jetty (蔣公碼頭) under the misty cloudy sky…

Lalu Jetty

The Hanbi Trail (涵碧步道)….

Hanbi Trail

somewhere around the beautiful & grand hotel….

around Lalu hotel

even the toilet also nice & elegant, have towel provided at the side but too bad my camera unable to capture all…..

along hotel room passage way…hotel passage

the hotel’s 建築 is mostly in 高貴,典雅的 dark brown style…really amazed by how grand & how 優雅 its surrounding is.

Before we leave, he want capture a very nice view near the reception entrance. But too engrossed that he accidentally walk into the small pond surrounded by lighted candles in glass, lucky no injuries caused & he just wet his foot, immediately one hotel staff appear offering him towel to wipe his wet leg while sitting on chair outside & a pair of white slipper in a very nice black Lalu paper bag

Lalu hotel slipper 

After that the hotel staff very fast clean up the place & this time they put more lighted candles in glass around the pond as before that there is too little glass & guest may not see them in the dim light while at nite…this time I’m quite impressed with the hotel quick response

Overall, a very wonderful experience for us to “见识" how super grand, 豪華, 有氣派 Lalu hotel (涵碧樓) is, feel very contented already, it’s more for riches rather than common like us  (US$1000 a nite for president suite leh, really hotel room for the rich!)

1745 – Get in Cody’s car & make our way to 中華電信, passby the Horbar Resort Hotel (日月潭碼頭飯店)

Horbar Resort Hotel

1800 - infront of the Harbar hotel, is the beautiful Sun Moon Lake view, also quite nice …..

1900 – check-in at 中華電信會館, yeah Cody said he has booked room with balcony for us & themselves, can view the lakeview from the balcony in the morning:p

room at Sun Moon lake_2

Cody is very kind, he let us take the 4th floor one while both of them take the 3rd floor. We are very satisfied with the room, there is a chair to rest the leg while watching TV, shiok :p

room at Sun Moon lake_1

Opening the slide door near window, is the balcony….

room at Sun Moon lake_3

infront of the comfortable chair, the glass become mirror at nite….

room at Sun Moon lake_4

walking into the bathroom,is the washing basin….

room at Sun Moon lake_5

toilet just beside the shower room….

room at Sun Moon lake_6

My lousy weak leg which always kena blisters during long trip, this round also can’t escape the “blisters attack”, as walking too much on 16 Oct while busy shopping at Wu Fen Pu (五分埔). As my blisters have not fully recovered, all suggest to rest early so after check-in, didn’t go out for the nite.

(sorry guys, if not for my weak leg, we can go out play til later…paisay man!)

2000 – Bass & Cody after put down their luggages at their room at 3rd floor, they bring over some sweet Persimmons (甜柿), cut into slices & we eat together. Bass told us is her grandma buy one, she specially bring along for us to try, really very thoughtful of her :p

This Taiwan sweet persimmons (甜柿) taste sweet & more crunchy (爽口) than those we normally eat at Singapore….I feel it’s 別有一番風味...

2100 - After they left to go back to their room, I lay on the comfortable chair which has leg rest to watch TV, very relaxing & shiok !  Lalu white slipper he passed to me to wear, wah the shoes quality not bad one, very soft & comfortable inside!

He as usual on lappy surf net as free internet access are provided at the small writing desk…

 writing desk

2230 – I go sleep early as legs very tired & want wake up early next morning to catch the beautiful sunrise (日出) view from our room balcony… also to get “recharged”, we going to track around the field near the 會館 after a early breakfast….bed is very comfortable & I sleep very well through the nite finally without coughing …maybe the air is very fresh up the mountain…..happily 期待 for next day activities!….

----------------To be continued on next blog---------------------

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