Our Taiwan Trip from 11 Oct till 19 Oct’09 (Part 6)  

Posted by iTorque in ,

Here are our Taiwan itinerary for 19 Oct …

( Our last day in Taiwan! We have make full use of the day & go many places…:p )

Our Itinerary:

19-Oct [Mon]

0700 – Wake up & see this nice scenery just through the 中華電信會館 glass window on the bed! But the sky still look misty & cloudy…

view from room_1

Walk closer to the window glass in front of bed, can see some facilities of a five star hotel called The RichForest (儷山林哲園會館) & its personal Jetty, 私人碼頭 (the white boat) with the Sun Moon lake(日月潭) …

view from room_2

use the camera to zoom in….what a beautiful scenery !

view from room_3

Quickly we go to balcony & see,

view from balcony_1

can view front part of a The RichForest (儷山林哲園會館) building from balcony…

view from balcony_2

0800 – Go down & have breakfast at the 會館 we stay

0850 – after finished breakfast, take some pictures around …

中華電信會館 that we stay…

中華電信會館sun moon lake

The RichForest (儷山林哲園會館)

The RichForest

Closeup of it…

The RichForest closeup

see this map of 中華電信 & its surrounding somewhere around ….& we walk around…

map of Sun Moon Lake

0920 – Reach Butterfly Garden (蝴蝶園)  (no entrance fee required)

Butterful garden

quite a big place, has a  trail to walk, feel as if we are in a 竹林.. (Bass joked & say “黑森林”, yes it’s really abit like one of our outdoor shooting place ~ 黑森林...hee)

inside Butterful Garden_1

walking through the wooden trail, come to the Butterfly Ecology Net house (蝴蝶生態網室)

Butterfly Ecology Net house_2

There are signboards describing all types of butterfly, species & so on…

Butterfly Ecology Net house_1

butterflies eating the plants as food inside  …

Butterfly Ecology Net house_3 Butterfly Ecology Net house_4

from a distance we can see the 日月潭缆车(Sun Moon lake Doppemay) station


& some cable cars “trial run”, heard from Cody it’s going to open officially in a few weeks time..cable cars

1025 – go back our 會館, packed & check-out….drive to leave….

1055 – reach the famous Syuanguang Temple (日月潭玄光寺) that had viewed from a distance during our Sun Moon Lake boat ride on 18 Oct (sun), maybe cause it’s Mon so at least not so crowded…

seems like 竹林 type of scenery is very common in Taiwan & many places can be “黑森林”, take this around the temple….


but Sitou 溪頭 (which is also “ 竹林”type) scenery is even more nice & damn 優美. One of the day (maybe on 18 Oct bah?) when Cody’s car pass by there while heading to 南投, although just a short glimpse from the car, can see that 溪頭 is really very beautiful…(too bad we did not make it to go there for this trip), so no pictures taken of it….

nice view from the trail (步道) in front of the temple


We take photos at the Stone carving (玄光寺石碑)

big stone _1

big stone _2

----------------To be continued on next blog---------------------

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